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Wind Daughter
for Your Event
* Gatherings * Teachings
* Trainings * Workshops
*Singing Dancing Drumming *Medicine Wheel Teachings or Gatherings *Sweat Lodge *Sacred Pipe *Black Lodge *Earth Dances *Shamanic Journeying *Women's Events *Sacred Prayer Altars *Story Telling
*Drum Making *Rattle Making *Staff Making *Shawl Making *Mask Making Workshops *Healing Ceremonies *Crystal Digging
*Sacred Travel Adventures

Have a look at the
Sample Posters of Events!

Book Wind Daughter
for Your Event
Hello! If you are interested in booking an Event for us to come to your area,
contact me and we can discuss.
Thanks for taking an interest. - Wind
* Gatherings * Teachings * Trainings * Workshops

Medicine Wheel Gatherings

Women's Gatherings

Sweat Lodge Training

Crystal Digging

Pipe Trainings

Black Lodge Teachings

Drum Making

Shamanic Journeying


Singing Drumming Dancing

Rattle Making

Children's Events

Earth Dances

Bear Medicine
& Much More!
Staff Making
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