Join Wind Daughter as she drums and sings for the Stone People in Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel.
Medicine Wheel diagram included. Lyrics free at
List of Songs on CD
- Dedication & Introduction to the Vision of the Wheel
- Gathering Song
- Creator Song
- Earth Mother
- Father Sun
- Grandmother Moon
- Earth Element - Turtle Clan
- Water Element - Frog Clan
- Fire Element - Thunderbird Clan
- Air Element - Butterfly Clan
- Spirit Keep of the North - Waboose
- Spirit Keeper of the East - Wabun
- Spirit Keeper of the South - Shawnodese
- Spirit Keeper of the West - Mudjekeewis
- Totems of the North - Snow Goose, Otter, Cougar
- Totems of the East - Red Hawk, Beaver, Deer
- Totems of the South - Flicker, Sturgeon, Brown Bear
- Totems of the West - Raven, Snake, Elk
- Spirit Pathway of the North
- Spirit Pathway of the East
- Spirit Pathway of the South
- Spirit Pathway of the West
- Thanksgiving Chant
- Song of Completion
- Thanking Sun Bear
- Epilogue
- "Medicine Wheel" in honor of the late Kate Wolf
Blessings & Good Medicine,
Wind Daughter Panther Wind Woman
CD "Singing with the Wheel" (with new artwork)
Enjoy Bear Tribe songs honoring Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel.